米軍の武装ロボットが反逆? 実戦配備11時間でイラクから撤収 - Technobahn/.等でも議論されているようですが、まあ公表されない限り原因は不明ですよね。
TALON Military Robots, EOD, SWORDS, and Hazmat Robots - Foster-Miller普通に考えて、こんな兵器をなんの試験もせずに配備するわけがないのでおそらく環境要因によるものだと思うのですが… まあ、出来ればこう言った技術は平和に活かして欲しいもの。
Editor's Note, April 14, 2008: Contrary to what you may have read on other web sites, three SWORDS robots are still deployed in Iraq and have been there for almost a year of uninterrupted service.
There have been no instances of uncommanded or unexpected movements by SWORDS robots during this period, whether in-theater or elsewhere. (A few years ago, during the robot's development, there were several minor movement issues that were expected, identified and addressed during rigorous stateside testing --prior to the Army's safety confirmation back in 2006. Any comments made after that timeframe about "setbacks" related to the robotics industry were hypothetical -- never in response to some nonexistent SWORDS incident after the safety confirmation.)
Future is mild : 武装ロボット"SWORDS"がイラクで実戦配備にFuture is mild : 米陸軍、マシンガンを装備したロボット「Talon」を2005年導入へ