Today we launched a new internationalized site that allows people to join and navigate Bloglines in six new languages. We've noticed since the beginning that our members read blogs, collect feeds and track searches in many languages, and we get great feedback from Bloglines fans all over the world. We want Bloglines to be easy for everybody, and part of that is opening the service to the millions of internet users that speak languages other than English. Give it a try and let us know what you think.
昨晩、寝る前にBloglinesにアクセスしたら、トップページの片隅に"Bloglines In Your Language"と言う文字が。
いつの間にか多言語対応してたのね・・・と思ったら、今朝Bloglines Newsにでてたよ。


米Bloglinesのユーザーインターフェイスが日本語に対応 コメントを見る
INTERNET Watchに記事が出ていました。